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              • Students will - CDOS.C.3a.MI.6.A.SW:
                1. Acquire, organize, analyze, and communicate information, using presentation software.
                2. Choose format for display of information (e.g., line graphs, bar graphs, tables, pie charts, narrative).
                3. Transform data into different formats to communicate to different audiences.
                4. Determine when information must be created and edited.
                5. Synthesize and integrate data or information from two or more sources.
                6. Pose analytical questions to determine information needs.
                7. Use advanced systems to retrieve data and manipulate information.
                8. Judge the accuracy and authenticity of information collected from a variety of sources.
                9. Explain complex information in understandable terminology.
  • Standard Area - TECH: Learning Standards for Technology
    (see MST standards under Previous Standard Versions)
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